Recipe: Perfect Isi Dadar Gulung Kelapa Likha
Isi Dadar Gulung Kelapa Likha.
You can cook Isi Dadar Gulung Kelapa Likha using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Isi Dadar Gulung Kelapa Likha
- Prepare 100 gr of Gula.
- Prepare 50 ml of Air.
- It's of Kelapa 1/2 tua 150gr.
- You need of Vanili 1sachset kecil.
- You need 1/4 sdt of Garam.
- It's 1 helai of Daun pandan simpul.
Isi Dadar Gulung Kelapa Likha instructions
- Masak air, gula, vanili, garam sampai larut.
- Masukkan kelapa n daun pandan.
- Masak hingga air agak meresap dkelapa.
- Siap untuk isian...
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